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Meet Andrew - founder and director of Blagdon IT

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Meet Andrew - founder and director of Blagdon IT


Meet Andrew - founder and director of Blagdon IT

How long has Blagdon IT been going?

I first registered the company more than a decade ago. Still can’t believe it’s been that long! Feels like only yesterday, in lots of ways.

That’s a long time! But how did Blagdon IT first come to be?

I pivoted into IT almost completely by accident. I was a pensions and investments consultant (of all things) and then decided to start my own company after helping some very dear clients of mine with their IT setup. That seemed to be such a great fit, that I figured I should just lean into it and set up a business doing just that. The rest, as they say, is history.

What’s the best thing about being in IT?

I like how at its best, IT makes repetitive, systemic things much more simple and straight forward. It should free up capacity, and make it easier for people within organisations and more widely to reach out to each other and work together. I like being able to play a small part in figuring out how to do this. That’s still really exciting to me, even after all these years.

If there’s anything you could change about how the IT industry works, and it’s industry standards, what would you change?

I wish there was a greater understanding within the industry of the value of personal connections, and that being approachable to clients is absolutely vital to an IT department being able to do their job well. You can be a highly-skilled IT specialist and create best software applications imaginable. But if that’s done completely in isolation, and if doesn’t take into account how someone without that specialism will need to be able to navigate that system and make it work in their day-to-day, that entire setup is doomed to gather dust. I think it’s so important to really listen to a client’s needs, and consider the constraints, such as existing systems that can’t be overhauled just yet, budgets, or ways of working that client simply might be used to. Sometimes tabling what’s most efficient strictly from an IT point of view, just won’t be workable for a client. I feel very strongly that by being approachable and able to really listen and communicate with a client makes a world of difference. And it can make the difference between someone picking up the phone to an IT company like Blagdon IT, and not. I’ve always kept that thought at the heart of how I run things.

What’s the best part of your working day?

My mind is quite analytical and I like spending time behind my computer trying to figure out different solutions. The very best part has got to be being able to go out and visit clients though. Recent events have shown us the value and possibilities of working remotely. But sometimes being able to work side by side with a client is still the best way of really getting to grips with what they need. It’s the part I like best, too!

Blagdon IT offers a variety of different services - even if those services need to be bespoke. You can be sure of speaking with someone who is helpful and approachable, as well as knowledgeable, when you give us a call. Get in touch and find out how we can help you deliver what you need this summer.

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